Henry Eirich10/16 2:33 pmgreat!
Henry Eirich10/16 2:56 pmtest
NFC ADMIN10/16 2:57 pmim back
Henry Eirich10/16 2:57 pmawesome, your name is on the right now
NFC ADMIN10/16 2:57 pmwhy is the timestamp so far off
Henry Eirich10/16 2:57 pmgreat question
Henry Eirich10/16 2:57 pmi think the database is not set in the correct timezone
NFC ADMIN10/16 2:57 pmi didnt post this at 232 sean lyons10/16 2:32 PM CTteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest
Henry Eirich10/16 2:57 pmi will get that fixed tomorrow
NFC ADMIN10/16 2:58 pmcool
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:01 amtest
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:02 amtest
Henry Eirich1/6 8:20 amtest
Henry Eirich1/6 8:21 amtest
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:23 amtest
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:25 amtest
Henry Eirich1/6 8:26 amtest
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:27 amtest
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:28 amtest
Henry Eirich1/6 8:29 amhenry
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:29 amSean
Henry Eirich1/6 8:30 amHenry
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:30 amSean
Henry Eirich1/6 8:31 amHenry
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:31 amSean
Henry Eirich1/6 8:34 amtest audio
Henry Eirich1/6 8:36 amsend audio
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:40 amsean audio
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:45 amsean audio
Henry Eirich1/6 8:48 amhenry audio
Henry Eirich1/6 8:51 amhenry audio 2
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:51 amsean audio
Henry Eirich1/6 8:57 amhenry audio
NFC ADMIN1/6 8:58 amsean audio
Henry Eirich1/6 8:58 amhenry audio
NFC ADMIN1/6 9:00 amsean aduio
Henry Eirich1/6 9:00 amHenry audio
Henry Eirich1/6 9:03 amHenry audio
NFC ADMIN1/6 9:03 amsean audio
John Jochum1/6 10:24 amtest
Henry Eirich1/6 10:24 amtest2
John Jochum1/6 10:24 amtest3
Henry Eirich1/6 10:24 amGot it
John Jochum1/6 10:24 amsound works
Henry Eirich1/6 10:24 ammine too
Henry Eirich1/29 10:50 amtest
Henry Eirich3/3 8:48 amtest
Henry Eirich3/3 8:51 amtest123
Henry Eirich3/3 8:55 amtestroom
Henry Eirich3/3 9:00 amtest1234
Henry Eirich3/3 9:05 amhe haw
Henry Eirich3/3 10:17 amtemp
Henry Eirich3/3 10:19 amasdf
NFC ADMIN3/3 10:31 amtest
NFC ADMIN3/3 11:12 amhello
Henry Eirich3/3 11:13 amtemp
NFC ADMIN3/3 12:32 pmTEST
Henry Eirich3/3 12:32 pmtest3
Henry Eirich3/3 12:32 pmlets hope this version doesn't drop any of these chat messages
NFC ADMIN3/3 12:32 pmI am inquiring about the NFC SHUPE
Henry Eirich3/3 12:33 pmyes that is a fantastic contest
NFC ADMIN3/3 12:33 pmwhat was it doing? Messages just dissapearing or never posting?
Henry Eirich3/3 12:33 pmdarik says that he would have to refresh the lobby in order for the messages to appear
Henry Eirich3/3 12:34 pmlike they were getting lost. I did see this, so i'm trying a new method
NFC ADMIN3/3 12:34 pmtest on Chrome
Henry Eirich3/3 12:34 pmim on firefox
NFC ADMIN3/3 12:34 pmseen it
NFC ADMIN3/3 12:35 pmi was on ff at first
Henry Eirich3/3 12:35 pmsweet
NFC ADMIN3/3 12:35 pmposted that chrome message from chrome
Henry Eirich3/3 12:35 pmgot it
Henry Eirich3/3 12:35 pmits like ping.... pong
NFC ADMIN3/3 12:35 pmworking perfect
NFC ADMIN3/3 12:35 pmboth windows are getting the messages that I have open
Henry Eirich3/3 12:35 pmok we'll roll this out and see if it fixes it. If it doesn't i'm not sure what to do
Christopher Buckley3/10 8:14 amtest
Christopher Buckley3/10 8:15 amgo go packets go
Henry Eirich3/13 9:14 amtest
NFC ADMIN3/13 9:15 amtest
NFC ADMIN3/13 9:15 amtest
Henry Eirich3/13 9:16 amtest
NFC ADMIN3/13 9:16 amtest
NFC ADMIN3/13 10:27 amtest
Henry Eirich3/13 10:27 amtest
Henry Eirich3/13 1:26 pmasdf
John Jochum6/29 8:46 amtest
HOTMAIL HMJochum7/1 11:14 amtest
Henry Eirich7/1 11:14 amtest
HOTMAIL HMJochum7/1 11:14 amtest
Nick Nystrom7/29 2:01 pmasdf
Henry Eirich7/30 12:38 pmtest
Henry Eirich7/30 12:38 pmtest
Henry Eirich7/30 12:39 pmtest
Henry Eirich7/30 12:39 pmtest
Nick Nystrom8/20 1:54 pmasdf
John Brison3/23 9:52 amtest
John Jochum8/19 3:08 pmtest
John Jochum8/19 3:09 pmMaking sure this works
Clint Riley9/9 2:35 pmX
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